Monday, June 29, 2009
/ 12:55 AM


Once there was a senile but kind emperor in China, and he always long for longevity.One day.he asked his advise,"how can i be an immortal?"The adviser,being known as a sage in China,answered,"sir,there is no such thing as immortal, you can never be one and a human have to die sooner or later.""What rubbish!I will find a prescription for immortality."the emperor retorted and stomped away.

The next day,a man drape in rags came to see the emperor,he said:"Sir,i can make a potion that can make you an immortal."'Awesome!make me one now."the emperor exclaimed in surprise."But it will be expensive.I'll need a thousand pearls,a five hundred gold bars and a hundred jades."replied the man slyly"All right,take what you want and made that potion.Make sure you finish in one hour."This potion is turning out to be expensive..."the adviser thought silently,"this is bound to be a scam!"Truely.the man hoarded all the treasures and made a fake potion.

Soon,the potion is finished.The emperor took it and sighed ,"finally,longevity!"When the emperor was about to imbibe the potion, the adviser snatched it away and drank it in one gulp."What are you doing,you bastard!!!"the emperor roared furiously,like a volcanic eruption,"guards seize him!""Wait!i want to say something first!If the potion can make me immortal,then i f can't be killed!"the adviser shouted.The emperor thought for a while and said to the man"well,should i kill the adviser?"Upon hearing this,the man turned pale with terror and stammered,"""Guards,throw him into jail!"the emperor bellowed.

" can i be immortal?"the emperor sighed as he rued at his idiotic act."Sir,everyone will have to die will have to accept life and death."said the adviser."Yes,thank you my faithful adviser,for teaching me such a precious lesson." paused the emperor,"looks like i have to accept that i can't control life and death."

After the incident,the emperor is not afraid of death anymore and he lives happy and fulfilling life afterwards.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
/ 1:38 AM

Day 4-part 2

How are people helping the man in the wheelchair?
They are helping him alight a bus.A man is pushing his wheelchair and another is stretching out his hand to help him.

What do you think the people standing around the man in the wheelchair might be thinking?
They might be thinking"It feels good to lend people a helping hand!"

What do you think might happen next?

They might be performing for the man or maybe with other handicapped people.


2.I feel that protecting the natural habitats is very important.We are destroying the natural habitats of the animals by deforestation.However,fortunately,in Singapore,wildlife is still protected.Wildlife reserves such as "Sungai Buloh" is a habitat to the animals, therefore,in Singapore,natural habitats is still protected.It is still important to develop cities for the development of a country,but we must still think about protecting the natural habitats.Cities can be developed when it is a must,however in well-developed countries,the government can still consider about not to develop cities to such an extent thay nature and a lot of natural habitats are destroyed.

/ 12:09 AM

Day10-Part 2

What do you think the man standing in the centre of the picture is doing?
He is dancing for the elderly people to make them happy.

What training do you think he may have had before?
He may have learned how to dance before as i can see that he quite good at dancing.He may also have been a volunteer before.

Do you think the elderly people find this activity interesting?

I think that some elderly people find this activity interesting while some do not.Most of them are clapping happily at the man's performance while the rest of them looks a little bit glum.


I agree that some people worry to much about things.Some of them are so worried about some small things that they could not even sleep.i worry too,but not over small things.i worry about things such as my exam grades.I feel that people can exercise or go out for a stroll, as this may let them forget their worries,as they can feel relaxed.In conclusion,people should not worry too much.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
/ 3:18 AM

DAY 8-part 2

What is happening in the photo?
The children are playing"eagle catches the chicks"with their teachers and they seem to be very happy.

Why do you think everyone is enjoying themselves?
"Eagle catches the chicks"is a very fun and exciting game,therefore everyone is enjoying themselves.

What do you think the children will do at the end of the day?
I guess the children will bath after playing the game as they will be dirty.They will also eat and rest as they will be tired.


2.The difficulties faced by women wishing to pursue a career and have a family is that they might find it harder to find a job as some of the employers prefer to hire males.Women who have jobs may also have been too busy to find time for her family.The employers can help such women by giving them a few days off so that they can spend some time with the family.Employers should also be not too fussy.In

Monday, June 8, 2009
/ 9:15 PM

DAY6-Part 2

What do you think the girls are watching?
I think the girls are watching a race.This is because the girls are seen near a running track.They should be cheering for their school.

How do you think the girls in the picture are feeling?
They are feeling excited as i can see them laughing and jumping about.Maybe this is because their school is winning a competition.

Why do you think they feel this way?

Maybe the girls' school is winning a competition.Either that or they are cheering for their school.

Part 3

Yes,i think that everybody can learn to be good at sport.They must work hard to do well in one sport.Some people are better in sport as they work harder towards the sport or they are born with the talent.i disagree that men are better in sports because women can excel in sports like men do.For example.women can also take part in the olympic games.Sports is interesting and i am sure that everybody can enjoy it.


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