Monday, September 7, 2009
/ 12:45 AM


Tim waved as the crowd as he manage a spurious smile.The champion smiled again as he raised his club, preparing to hit the ball.He missed the hole, but the crowd was still cheering.Tim sighed and trudged away wearily in a state of lassitude."This would be my last swan."he thought.Tim turned a cold shoulder to the fervid crowd and told the judge,"i quit".

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
/ 3:17 AM


Jo is boy who acts with utmost candor and he lived an idyllic life.However, being gullible is his achilles heel,therefore he is always the favourite of pranksters. Once, Jo was tricked into doing a project that he was not asked to do.Pitiful Jo was kept so busy that he can only have forty winks now and then.This trick mortified Jo when he saw people giggling at him.He was so gullible that he even do the silliest things.Jo,Jo,when will you change?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
/ 3:44 AM


Tom is an obese boy.He is so fat that he will be panting like a pig after running for 5 minutes and he clothes often tear when he is doing exercises. Therefore,he was always a laughing stock."Pathetic"this is what people frequently called him.He is always in a state of apathy when doing exercises.He is very indolent and only likes to eat and sleep.However,one day,surprisingly,he was in a pique and he decided to lose fat.Day by day,his weight began to wane.From then, nobody dares to laugh at him again.

Friday, July 10, 2009
/ 11:18 PM


Tim and friends are going for a field trip.It was to go to a place called"Horror Land",iheheard that it was really spooky,buthe had never went there before.Finally,they have reached the place.The tower was really spooky,bats circled around it and the walls are all worn out,further more,the gloomy weather makes the place looks scarier."Just cry if you are scared!"teased his friend,john."John,i have eradicated my fears long time ago!"Tim snorted."Hmph!"John said,disgruntled.They walked on and saw a skeleton hanging in mid-air,followed by an eerie scream."Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!"Mindy shrieked,"cockroaches!"Theye laughed ,she is sometimes very vulnerable to creepy-crawlies. We carried on and saw some other scary things.Finally,we have reached the end of he journey,and the girls' faces have been white with terror."Hahaha1"Tim and John laughed at the girls and they went home happily.

/ 3:18 AM


My friends and i are very ardent to start the journey.We were loaded for bear in climbing Mount Everest,the highest mountain in the world!After climbing for a few hours,we were all beat,but i told my frriends to try to culminate and to reach the pinnacle of the mountain.After a few gruelling days,we finally reached the summit!"We made it1"we exclaimed in exultation.Finally,we have conquered the highest mountain in the world!

Thursday, July 2, 2009
/ 2:46 AM


It was once in a blue moon that inspector tom solved a case,he was a remiss person,but his acute sense of smell helped other detectives to solve cases.Once,he smelt a pungent odour and a body was found,shockingly,the body was about 100 metres from him! One day,he have just received his bonus,and he strolled casually home.whistling happily.However,his happiness is terse,as he soon met with a robber.After a tussle with the robber,the robber finally pushed him to the ground and sped off.Luckily,he only suffered superficial injuries.However,thanks to his acute sense of smell,and the help of his teammates,he managed to track the the robber and brought him to jucstice.

Monday, June 29, 2009
/ 12:55 AM


Once there was a senile but kind emperor in China, and he always long for longevity.One day.he asked his advise,"how can i be an immortal?"The adviser,being known as a sage in China,answered,"sir,there is no such thing as immortal, you can never be one and a human have to die sooner or later.""What rubbish!I will find a prescription for immortality."the emperor retorted and stomped away.

The next day,a man drape in rags came to see the emperor,he said:"Sir,i can make a potion that can make you an immortal."'Awesome!make me one now."the emperor exclaimed in surprise."But it will be expensive.I'll need a thousand pearls,a five hundred gold bars and a hundred jades."replied the man slyly"All right,take what you want and made that potion.Make sure you finish in one hour."This potion is turning out to be expensive..."the adviser thought silently,"this is bound to be a scam!"Truely.the man hoarded all the treasures and made a fake potion.

Soon,the potion is finished.The emperor took it and sighed ,"finally,longevity!"When the emperor was about to imbibe the potion, the adviser snatched it away and drank it in one gulp."What are you doing,you bastard!!!"the emperor roared furiously,like a volcanic eruption,"guards seize him!""Wait!i want to say something first!If the potion can make me immortal,then i f can't be killed!"the adviser shouted.The emperor thought for a while and said to the man"well,should i kill the adviser?"Upon hearing this,the man turned pale with terror and stammered,"""Guards,throw him into jail!"the emperor bellowed.

" can i be immortal?"the emperor sighed as he rued at his idiotic act."Sir,everyone will have to die will have to accept life and death."said the adviser."Yes,thank you my faithful adviser,for teaching me such a precious lesson." paused the emperor,"looks like i have to accept that i can't control life and death."

After the incident,the emperor is not afraid of death anymore and he lives happy and fulfilling life afterwards.


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